Go R1 Day 28
- Solved [Hamming Distance] on exercism.io
- Simple problem, but reminded me of how to use string split.
- Reviewed other solutions, and found my first attempt to split the string wasn’t necessary.
Looks like I can just iterate on the string directly.
I skipped this as it failed the first time.
The error is:
invalid operation: x != b[i] (mismatched types rune and byte)
This threw me for a loop initially, as I’m familar with .NET char
Golang doesn’t have a char data type. It uses byte and rune to represent character values. The byte data type represents ASCII characters and the rune data type represents a more broader set of Unicode characters that are encoded in UTF-8 format. Go Data Types
Explictly casting the data types solved the error. This would be flexibly for UTF8 special characters.
With this simple test case, it’s it’s subjective if I’d need rune
instead of just the plain ascii byte
, so I finalized my solution with byte(x)
(No webmentions yet.)