144 words
One minute
Yes… multicursor editing is epic
No… SSMS doesn’t support multi-cursor editing the way it should.
Yes… you can do some basic editing with multiple lines using alt-shift
No… it doesn’t come close to what you can do with Sublime.
Cool thing is you can open text in Sublime synced w/SSMS cursor position and switch between the two with a shortcut. That will be a post for another day, I’m just telling you now to get your appetite going.
If you can’t tell, I love shortcuts. Sublime + AHK pretty much covers most text editing needs you’ll ever have.
Feel free to send me a check for all the time you’ll save from my revelation.
I apologize in advance for the video quality. I plan on recording a better one in the future, after I wrap my head around the awesomeness of Camtasia Studio 8
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